It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been on Twitter, there’s a good chance that you’ve wondered “who exactly visits my profile?” and “how to know who visits my profile?”  This may be to get a sense of security by knowing about everyone who knows about your existence on the platform. In this article we discuss the what and how of knowing everything about your twitter profile.

How to check who visits my Twitter Profile?

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is NO way to know who visits your profile on twitter. This is because twitter is an open type of social media network. One can freely browse through anyone’s twitter profile, if it’s public, without letting that person know. Only way to let that person know of your presence is to directly interact with their content which includes, liking, commenting or retweeting their post. 

So even though you can’t know who visits your profile, you can regulate who can view it. This can be achieved by making your twitter account private so only your followers can view and engage with your tweets.

Here is a step by step process with visual clues on how to make your account private.

  1. Start by logging into your account
  2. Click on the “More” option on the left.
  3. Follow it up by clicking on the “Settings and Privacy” option.
  4. Next, look for “privacy and safety”
  5. Under, “your twitter activity” choose “audience and tagging”
  6. Check the “Protect your tweets” box 
  7. Select “Protect”

Now your account is private and hence only your previous followers and any new follow request you may choose to accept will be able to view and engage with your tweets.

There may not be a way to check who visited your twitter profile. But by using twitter analytics there are a lot of statistics that you can check and analyse.

Twitter analytics

The most brilliant but a less known statistics app is the one by the Twitter team themselves. This will tell you about all the engagement that goes on in your profile and your tweets. Here is a direct link to reach twitter analytics. Just login and wander through to get all the statistics you wish for but as aforementioned, no stats on who viewed your profile.

Are there any third party apps or extensions to check who visited my twitter profile?

Other than twitter analytics, there are a few more analytical apps that you can use to track and analyze the statistics of your profile among many other things.

Apps or Software

Hootsuite and Crowdfire are the only two third party apps we recommend. Unfortunately even these two apps can’t show you who viewed your profile. But these apps allow you to keep track of your twitter performance. They provide for everything that twitter analytics does and more. This includes among other things, what kind of content is most popular.

Both these apps are user friendly and easy to use and very accurate with the data they provide. The only difference being Hootsuite is only available on a subscription plan after a 30 days free trial while Crowdfire is available in both.


There are a lot of third party extensions which claim to show you who all visits your profile and all the other statistics. But, unfortunately they are all a HOAX and instead of giving you the data you want, they take your data. So if you’ve already installed any app or extension in this regard we’d recommend you to immediately get rid of them all.


As of now, It’s almost impossible to see the username of any person who visits your profile. The only possible way comes with way too many caveats to be a sensible way to do it. One way to partially know who visits your profile is to make it private so only your followers can visit and engage with your tweets.

Twitter analytics, Hootsuite and Crowdfire are excellent analytical apps and even though they may not be able to provide you the username, it can serve some pretty important analytical data regarding your profile and twitter as a whole.