Home Social Media Telegram 24 Reasons: Why to Use Telegram Instead of WhatsApp?

24 Reasons: Why to Use Telegram Instead of WhatsApp?


WhatsApp and Telegram are old and worthy rivals. WhatsApp is undoubtedly an amazing app and an indispensable part of our lives, all thanks to the network or connectivity it provides. But its competitor Telegram is also slowly and gradually gaining market share, mostly due to undue limitations put up by WhatsApp. You must have faced several limitations on WhatsApp like being unable to form a group of 1000s, send large files, etc. Telegram, on the other hand, removes all these limitations and provides outstanding features and services. Read on to find 12 amazing features of Telegram that will force you to consider switching from WhatsApp to Telegram:

1. Send Unlimited media without any limit on file size

WhatsApp limits its users as it allows only 30 photos or videos with a limit of a maximum of 16 MB to be sent at once. This makes it a tedious task when we need to send hundreds of photos with more than 16 MB via WhatsApp. Telegram removes this limitation and we can send hundreds of photos at once. Moreover, Telegram also offers unlimited file sharing with up to 2GB per file.

2. Send photos without compromising on quality

Sending photos on WhatsApp reduces their quality automatically. This is frustrating when we want the receiver to get the photos in original quality. Else, we need to send the photos in document format which takes up a lot of time. But with Telegram, we can easily choose if we want to reduce the quality or send it as an original image only.

3. Enhanced privacy features and control on data

WhatsApp offers privacy but since it is a part of Meta (formerly Facebook), there are chances that it might be snooping on some of our activities. With the Secret Chat feature of Telegram, users can enhance their privacy level. Moreover, Telegram gives more control to users than WhatsApp.

4. Send messages without revealing your number

A simple message on WhatsApp means the other person will know your number and he/she can call you anytime. This is at times irritating! In Telegram, you can call and send messages without actually revealing your number. Let’s say you are added to a group. But you don’t want the members to know your contact number. So, this cool Telegram feature comes to your rescue then.

5. Add 20,000 members to a group

WhatsApp can have a maximum of 257 members. This creates trouble as we cannot make big groups when needed. Telegram allows us to make ‘Groups with up to 20,000 members’ and ‘Channels with no limit’. This is an important feature as it knocks down the boundaries set up by WhatsApp.

6. Freedom to join any public group

WhatsApp works on the closed groups feature. This is sometimes irritating as if you are added late to a group, you are unable to access any chat that took place before you were added. But Telegram offers the feature of open groups and channels where all the members can access any chat, anytime and even new members can access chats or messages in the group sent before they joined.

7. Free unlimited storage feature

WhatsApp uploads chat to Google Drive which has a free plan limit of 15 GB only, exceeding which we may need to pay a monthly fee. In contrast to this, Telegram offers an unlimited server storage facility which is in itself a mind-blowing feature for tech-lovers. Just imagine, you can send all your photos, videos, files in your Saved Chats and access them anytime, anywhere.

8. Lesser server-down issues than WhatsApp

WhatsApp has recently faced a few issues with its server down which led to the loss of crores of rupees for many. This raised questions about whether WhatsApp is even reliable. However, Telegram rarely faces such issues and till now runs very smoothly. So, if you are thinking of switching over to Telegram, consider this as a valid reason.

9. Find local groups and People Nearby you

The ‘Nearby People’ Feature is another amazing and cool feature of Telegram. With this feature, we can get to know who all are available on Telegram in our vicinity. Moreover, sometimes we crave for local groups like a group of the city or town we live in. With this feature, we can access nearby groups too!

10. Get routine work done with AI Bots 

Bots for Telegram are small programs that use AI and Machine Learning on a small level and can be embedded in Telegram chats or public channels to perform a specific function. This is probably the most unique and the best feature in Telegram. Telegram bots offer a variety of services like making a meme for free, checking the weather or playing a game.

11. Schedule your important messages

How many times has it happened that we wanted to send a very important message at a particular time but forgot to do so just because it slipped out of our minds? Many times, I believe! Now, with the Schedule Send feature of Telegram, you don’t have to worry about time at all. Yes, you guessed it right. YOU CAN SCHEDULE YOUR MESSAGES! So, if someone has their birthday tomorrow, just schedule the message at 12 midnight and surprise them.

12. Add multiple profile photos

Did you ever wonder how cool it would be if we all could add multiple photos as our WhatsApp profile pic? Sadly, WhatsApp does not allow adding multiple profile photos. For those who haven’t used Telegram yet, it may seem a bit weird to them on hearing about multiple profile pics. But this is actually an amazing and distinguishing feature of Telegram.

13. Chat Folders

If you’re someone who follows a lot of channels and groups of various types, then this chat folder feature is for you. You can make as many folders as you’d like or add as many channels or messages into a folder as you like. This helps in arranging your chat under different categories making your telegram experience very clean and uncluttered.

To use this chat folder just click on the 3 lines on the top left, go to settings and then to folders. Here, tap the new folder button and name it as you like. Then add any channel or group you want in that folder and you’re all sorted. The new UI will now be a tabbed experience just like it is on whatsapp for status.

14. Hashtags

Another great way to arrange your texts is through hashtags. Using a hashtag makes it a searchable message which you can easily search. By tapping the hashtag you can see all the messages with the hashtag in one place.

15. Edit Text

Typo’s are a part of everyone’s life, sometimes it’s our own fault and auto correct actually corrects us. But at times autocorrects things it’s better than us and changes our text and most of the time we don’t see it until we send it. In any other app you might have to send another text correcting your message or delete and resend it. But not on telegram, you can just edit the same text right then and there.

To edit any sent text is simple, just select the message and tap on the edit button from the pop-up options. Edit the message and send it as normal. The message will then be labeled as an edited message.

16. Silent Messages

How often are you stuck in a situation where you want to send a message to your close ones but don’t want to disturb them and let them see it when they are free? Well to avoid disturbing them you can send silent messages which means they won’t know they got a message unless they check for it even though they haven’t got “do not disturb” on.

To use this type your message then tap and hold the send button. A pop-up will appear there, choose “send without sound” and voila.

17. Draft

There are times when you’re writing a message but somehow end up forgetting to send it, maybe because something distracted you. The draft feature on telegram saves you from ever forgetting to send that message. Your unsent or unfinished messages are saved right where you left off. These draft messages are also sync across all devices so you can continue on any device just by logging in.

18. Deleting message

Unlike whatsapp that tells the user that a text has been deleted, telegram deletes any text without a trace. What’s wild is that you can even delete text sent by other users. This feature is mainly for privacy purposes.

To use this feature delete a text like you would your own, but before confirming select the “ also delete for ___ “ and then delete. Now the message is deleted from both sides without leaving a trace.

19. Self Destruct

Another great privacy feature on telegram is the self destruct media feature. With this you can self destruct media like photos and videos. Just select the media you wanna send and before sending tap the “timer” button. Here choose the time you wish the media to stay on and then send.

20. Edit Media

Telegram also provides for a vast range of editing tools for you to use before sending any video or photo. In this feature you can adjust the saturation, exposure, contrast etc.

Just open the chat and choose the media you wish to send, after that choose the tuning icon and edit the media as you please. 

21. Reminders

Some tasks need to be done but you are forgetful? Use the reminder feature on telegram and let it remind you about it. Though this feature can only be used in the “saved messages” section. 

So type out any task that is needed to be done on saved messages, before sending tap and hold the send button. Here choose the “set a reminder” pop-up, set the timer and you’re good to go.

22. Slow mode

Admin of a group which gets messages faster than the speed of light? Then the slow mode is here to save you. With this you can limit the interval between each message any one member of the group can send.

To turn on the Slow Mode tap on the Group name -> Edit (pen icon) -> Permissions -> Slow Mode. You can choose a vast range of intervals as you see fit.

23. Pin messages

Another feature super useful for a large or a fast group is the pin message feature. This ensures that any message you pin does not get lost in the flood of new messages. You can even choose to send notification of the pin to all the members of the group to get their attention.

To do this tap and hold on any message then choose “pin” from the pop-up options. This makes the message visible on the very top. You can even stock one pin over the other and anyone can go through them all just by tapping the pinned message section.

24. Polls 

Another cool feature for a group is the poll feature. The polls can be anonymous and can also be scheduled. This is a great way to keep your group active and get new topics to discuss or to get an opinion or settle scores easily and quickly on any topic.

To create polls, click on attachment then on the bottom row there is the poll icon. Choose the way you want the poll to be and send it.

If you think there is a feature which Telegram is also lacking, or if you have an entirely different opinion, let us know in the comments section below!